Kia Ora
Ko Tākitimu tōku waka
Ko Kahuranaki tōku maunga
Ko Poukawa tōku roto
Ko Kahuranaki tōku marae
Ko te Whatu – i- Apiti tōku hapū
Ko te Hapuku te Tangata
Ko Tu/ma/pu/hi/a/rangi te tekoteko
Ko ngāti Kahungunu tōku Iwi
Ko Aaron Murphy tōku ingoa
I have been an Exercise Physiologist with over 22 years’ experience in the industry. I have always been passionate about implementing support systems within the community to encourage our whānau to be more engaged in physical movement.
I’m a firm believer that movement is the key for living a longer more enjoyable lifestyle but being able to do more with your whānau is so much more rewarding.
My whānau is very important to me, which is my key motivator in staying active especially now I have to keep up with them!