Tēnā Koutou,
Ko Jocelyn tōku ingoa
Ki te taha o tōku Māmā
No Ngāti Mnaiapoto, Ngāti Hikairo ngā iwi.
No Otorohanga ahau, I am from Otorohanga.
I started my Wairua journney in 2014 leading onto learning Mirimiri and Rongoā Māori in 2015. I started my small business called Creative Inspiring Journeys in 201, Māori natural health and healing. I am also a vendor for ACC.
I enjoy helping people reach their potential in healing themselves and turning into their Mana (strengths) to help them succees in all they do using Te Whare tapa Whā model and much more.
If you need to know more I’s happy to have a kōrero with you to answer any questions you may have,
no reira tēnā koutou katoa.